SPIE Qatar Job Vacancies

SPIE Qatar Job Vacancies

SPIE looking for innovative,compassionate individuals to join our company, browse here to get the latest job vacancies in Qatar. SPIE is an oil & gas service industry. Check & apply for latest  in SPIE Qatar Job Vacancies!

SPIE Oil & Gas Jobs

Project Assurance Manager Job

Job Title: Project Assurance Manager

Company: SPIE

Location: Doha, Qatar

Education: Should have Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Experience: Minimum of 15 years broad experience in execution of major projects

Other Requirements: You will have good interpersonal and organizational skills, as well as, an advance level of computer literacy

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Safety Officer Job Vacancy

Job Title: Senior Safety Officer

Company: SPIE

Location: Ras Laffan , Qatar

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Engineering

Experience: Minimum 8 years’ varied experience in Safety operations within the Oil and Gas industries

Other Requirements: You will have computer literacy & proficient in Microsoft Office.

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For more Qatar Job Vacancies
Begin your future with SPIE now. Our current job opportunities are listed above. SPIE always on the lookout for great people . If you are excite with is opportunity, Don’t wait for applying