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Mobily Job Vacancies

Mobily Job Vacancies

Check our latest Mobily Job Vacancies and make your next career move with Mobily Group. Take your perfect matching job for your skills. Variety of job opportunities are exploring now!

Latest Mobily Job openings

Executive Manager Job Vacancy

Job Title: Executive Manager

Company: Mobily

Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Education: Marketing, Finance, Business Administration

Experience: A minimum of Ten (10) years of experience in Order Management or a related field.

Skills: MBA preferable

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HR Specialist Job

Job Title: HR Specialist

Company: Mobily

Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Education: bachelor’s degree or above

Experience: A minimum of five (5) years of experience in product/solution development from top tier Management consulting firms

Skills: Strong experience and in-depth understanding of strategic and operational planning and project management

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